The painting depicts a woman painting in front of a canvas. She holds brushes and a palette in her left hand and uses a brush in her right hand. She's working on a painting showing people at a table.
The painting depicts a woman painting in front of a canvas. She holds brushes and a palette in her left hand and uses a brush in her right hand. She's working on a painting showing people at a table.
Hanefi Yeter, Serpil beim Malen, 1980, courtesy the artist, photo: Axel Schneider

Easy Language Tour

There is no there there

With Kalliope Noll.

The guided tour is included in the entrance fee.

In Plain Language Tours, guides and visitors take more time to look at selected artworks together. The guides speak in a simple and accessible language.

As this offer is subject to a maximum of 10 participants, we request that you book in advance (Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri, 9 am–2 pm) by calling +49 69 21240691 or writing to us at On Fridays after 1 pm, weekend bookings are only possible by directly contacting the museum's ticket office. To participate without prior booking, please inquire with the cashier. Please feel free to fill out the participant form in advance and bring it with you.


19 Mai 2024, 11:30


Domstraße 10
60311 Frankfurt am Main
+49 69 212 30447