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The illustration, outlined by a sketched out rectangular frame, displays five silhouettes of human figures. Judging by their respective form and overall arrangement, they resemble a family.
The illustration, outlined by a sketched out rectangular frame, displays five silhouettes of human figures. Judging by their respective form and overall arrangement, they resemble a family.
Gustav Metzger, Family Group, n. d., The Estate of Gustav Metzger & The Gustav Metzger Foundation, London (UK), © VG Bild-Kunst, 2024, photo: Axel Schneider.
Family Group

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One can see a slim male nude body, stretching across the frame, almost in its totality. The dark green hue of the torso contrasts against the even darker background, as well as the lighter area around the head.
One can see a slim male nude body, stretching across the frame, almost in its totality. The dark green hue of the torso contrasts against the even darker background, as well as the lighter area around the head.
Gustav Metzger, Selbstbildnis eines Unbefleckten, 1946, The Estate of Gustav Metzger & The Gustav Metzger Foundation, London (UK), © VG Bild-Kunst, 2024, photo: Axel Schneider.
Selbstbildnis eines Unbefleckten

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One can see a set of projections that, though differing in detail, bear a similar in their resemblance to microscopy images. The gradient, progressing throughout a great scale of hues and slightly or, in some cases, vastly, contrasting shades in oval and round forms thereon, applies to all of them.
One can see a set of projections that, though differing in detail, bear a similar in their resemblance to microscopy images. The gradient, progressing throughout a great scale of hues and slightly or, in some cases, vastly, contrasting shades in oval and round forms thereon, applies to all of them.
Gustav Metzger, Liquid Crystal Environment, 1965/2024, The Estate of Gustav Metzger & The Gustav Metzger Foundation, London (UK), © VG Bild-Kunst, 2024, photo: Axel Schneider.
Liquid Crystal Environment

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Horizontally arranged wooden planks, fastened by additional steel brackets, stand before a plain wall. Although the structure is almost totally sealed, a gap of the same dimensions as the wooden planks enables one to gaze upon a section of the black-and-white photograph underneath.
Horizontally arranged wooden planks, fastened by additional steel brackets, stand before a plain wall. Although the structure is almost totally sealed, a gap of the same dimensions as the wooden planks enables one to gaze upon a section of the black-and-white photograph underneath.
Gustav Metzger, Historic Photographs: No. 1: Liquidation of the Warsaw Ghetto, April 19 – 28 days, 1943, 1995, The Estate of Gustav Metzger & The Gustav Metzger Foundation, London (UK), © VG Bild-Kunst, 2024, photo: Axel Schneider.
Historic Photographs: No. 1: Liquidation of the Warsaw Ghetto, April 19 – 28 days, 1943

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Here, a piece of yellow fabric is contoured by something what appears to be a body beneath it, occupying the space between this very fabric and a large scale photograph, on the ground.
Here, a piece of yellow fabric is contoured by something what appears to be a body beneath it, occupying the space between this very fabric and a large scale photograph, on the ground.
Gustav Metzger, Historic Photographs: To Crawl Into—Anschluss, Vienna, March 1938, 1996/2024, The Estate of Gustav Metzger & The Gustav Metzger Foundation, London (UK), © VG Bild-Kunst, 2024, photo: Axel Schneider.
Historic Photographs: To Crawl Into—Anschluss, Vienna, March 1938

Audio description
This laboratory - style arrangement consists of a hotplate and a steel tube attached to it, in which a silicone tube is located and extends upwards. The end of the tube appears at the lower end of the pipe and therefore directly above the hotplate.
This laboratory - style arrangement consists of a hotplate and a steel tube attached to it, in which a silicone tube is located and extends upwards. The end of the tube appears at the lower end of the pipe and therefore directly above the hotplate.
Gustav Metzger, Drop on Hot Plate, 1968/2024, The Estate of Gustav Metzger & The Gustav Metzger Foundation, London (UK), © VG Bild-Kunst, 2024, photo: Axel Schneider.
Drop on Hot Plate

Audio description
This outdoor sculpture consists of five uprooted willow trees that are upended and embedded in plinth-like blocks of concrete. They are standing in a row surrounded by an urban scenery.
This outdoor sculpture consists of five uprooted willow trees that are upended and embedded in plinth-like blocks of concrete. They are standing in a row surrounded by an urban scenery.
Gustav Metzger, Strampelnde Bäume, 2010/2024, The Estate of Gustav Metzger & The Gustav Metzger Foundation, London (UK), © VG Bild-Kunst, 2024, photo: Axel Schneider.
Strampelnde Bäume

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