Six people sit on black beanbags on the floor in an exhibition room. They sit in a circle and look at each other. On the wall behind them stretches a blue pattern.
Six people sit on black beanbags on the floor in an exhibition room. They sit in a circle and look at each other. On the wall behind them stretches a blue pattern.
Rosemarie Trockel, installation view, MUSEUM MMK, © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2022, photo: Tobias Becker


The content-related and methodical approaches to art and the present live from the different positioning of the team:

Julia Ballweg dos Santos, Berkant Bengil, Mike Bill, Marie Fiedler, Hanna Franke, Teresa Heinzelmann, Vivien Kämpf, Valentina Knežević, Dalwin Kryeziu, Camille Magnin, Katharina Mantel, Isabel Monroy Moreno, Fabian-Lilian Korner, Theresa Lawrenz, Marta McClennan, Tobias Muno, Kalliope Noll, Esther Poppe, Linda Rustemeier, Eva Schöfer, Marcella Sohmen-Stöhr, Eugenia Teixeira, Sonja Weidner and Michèle Zeuner.