Featuring altogether thirty-eight artists, this year’s presentation allows in-depth insights into the multifaceted work of the Staatliche Hochschule für Bildende Künste – Städelschule – graduates. With the MMK 3 as its primary venue, the show is also staging works in rooms of the museum’s main building, the MMK 1, for the first time.
The exhibition title quotes the last line of the American national anthem: “O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave”. In the context of the graduates’ show at the MMK, these words take on new levels of meaning. In addition to any political significance, the reference can also be to the graduates and art academies themselves, which today represent a natural antithesis – a “Home of the Brave” – to increasingly reactionary tendencies across the globe.
From the classes of Monika Baer, Peter Fischli, Douglas Gordon, Judith Hopf, Michael Krebber, Tobias Rehberger, Willem de Rooij, Amy Sillman, Josef Strau