Both the brutal clarity and cold materiality that distinguish the oeuvre of Cady Noland turn things supposedly familiar and commonplace into manifestations of power and violence through exclusion, containment, control and punishment, but also expressions of longing for consumption and mobility. The immediacy of her works blurs the boundaries between object and subject.
One Day on Cady Noland seeks to revive the discursive debate that—owing to Noland’s long withdrawal from exhibition activity—has taken place only on occasion over the past years. The lectures will examine her work from art- and cultural-historical, philosophical and artistic perspectives. In the process, such issues as her artistic method, aspects of (post-)minimalism, objectification, transgression or the differences between socially accepted and terrorist violence as a means of individuation will present themselves for discussion.
Kristina Hasenpflug: Welcome
Susanne Pfeffer: Introduction
Inka Meißner: No Symbols, no Trade
Larne Abse Gogarty: For your own Security
Peter Osborne: The Obviousness and Opaqueness of the 80s: Cady Noland’s Dirty Minimalism, Squeaky Clean
Jeannine Tang: Couplings and Uncouplings
Diedrich Diederichsen: Hardware Store and Transgression: Doing your Thing
Moderated by Anna Sailer